Saturday 3 March 2012

Month Two: March!

Just a quick update to let you know I'm still alive. Which I am. (Here insert African applause in the certain rhythm they do, to the words 'ça c'est fantastique, ça c'est super!')

Rained again on Tuesday night and just as impressive - with lightening and REAL thunder this time... Am sort of looking forward to the rainy season I've got to admit! It could be a different country after and before the rain though, it's incredible to see it change from dusty, typical Africa to muddy, greener; more like England! Was very impressed with myself that although the rain woke me up, I then managed to go back to sleep for the usual 8 hours. That is the most I sleep here - last night went to sleep about 1.30am and woke up 6.30. Won't say I was ready for action cos that wouldn't be quite true... But it is interesting that with a little nap this afternoon I'm now totally up for going out tonight and wouldn't say that I was tired. Perhaps (god forbid) I am becoming someone who doesn't need that much sleep... I suspect that will only last while I am here though!

Had a massively amazing moment in school the other day (apart from preparing and presenting my first lesson, and starting a class alone...) - we had been doing exclamative sentences, using 'what/so/etc' and this lesson was on the use of 'such'. She wrote the title etc, just as normal, wrote the example sentences, then started to ask questions to the class and to start to explain it basically, when one pupil put up his hand and asked to make the sentence on the board using 'such'. And he did it! Perfectly! Without any kind of explanation really - it was just amazing!

Had to prepare a lesson for the 5è this week and have another to prepare for the 4è this weekend; went okish I think, they did a test on the text we'd covered with them in that lesson and most of them did well so I guess that's a good sign (although it was mostly repetition of exact phrases...). Going to see the CACIT organisation in the next few weeks, which is my next Project so excited about that!

Alison, the younger French girl who was living with us left last night and I was VERY sad to see her go. Just through living with her for 4 weeks, only 3 weeks of which she was actually there, I got to know her and although I really hope we'll stay in touch it's still made me sad. Two other volunteers also left today, and we have a new American who arrived last night and there is another Swedish girl who is coming or has come soon I think, but she isn't staying with us. So is all change here this weekend! Mama's son is also coming to stay for two weeks, arriving today. I am currently occupying his bedroom and there are many many jokes going on about what's going to happen when he arrives, and I can't tell how much is joke and what is serious... Could be an interesting time!


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